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Technical Assistant (TA) Consulting Services for National Research Vessel Procurement (Deadline extended) (EXPIRED)

Request For Expressions of Interest

General Information

Country:   Indonesia
City/Locality:   Jakarta
Publication Date:   Nov 24, 2021
Deadline (local time):   December 1, 2021 - 15:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   INDONESIA - National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Diana Sulistyarini
Head of POKJA, Procurement Team
Gedung B.J. Habibie
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 8
Telephone:   +628118612357
E-mail:   icb@brin.go.id
Web site::   https://www.brin.go.id/



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  • Pièce jointe (204 KB; Oct 22, 2021)
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Original Text

The BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) is the Beneficiary of a financing approved by Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") and currently under contractualization between AFD and the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. The BRIN intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments under the following project Strengthening The National Oceanographic Research Capacities For A Sustainable Use Of Marine Resources In Indonesia – KRisNa Project.

The Services of the consultant shall consist of supporting BRIN for
1. Assist in compiling and reviewing the planning documents of procurement of the Baruna Jaya Retrofit and the construction of new oceanographic explorer research vessel;
2. Assist the preparation for procurement process and selection of Providers of the Baruna Jaya Retrofit and the construction of new oceanographic explorer research vessel;
3. Assist in monitoring and controlling the implementation of the contract of the Baruna Jaya Retrofit and the construction of new oceanographic explorer research vessel;
4. Assist in the establishment and operation of the Fleet Management Unit (FMU);
5. Support the PMO for Project monitoring, evaluation and reporting; and Application of the EU Grant.

The BRIN hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above.

Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted, i.e. firm’s profile (including shareholder structure, financial statements and organizational structure) and description of similar projects, name of client, type of services provided and brief description of the services, name and location of projects, name of key experts involved, period of contract (starting date and completion date), and contract value. Original documents written in a language other than English should be provided together with an English translation.

Detailed information can be found in the pdf file attached.

The Expressions of Interest must be submitted in the e-procurement system (https://spseicb.lkpp.go.id/spseicb)

More information: Click here
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