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Design and Implementation of Capacity Building Program on Energy Efficiency and Energy Audits (EXPIRED)

Request For Expressions of Interest

General Information

Country:   Egypt
Publication Date:   Apr 27, 2022
Deadline (local time):   May 18, 2022 - 12:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   EGYPTE - Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy
Eligibility of Bidders:   Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted.
Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
1) The contracts size and duration;
2) Experience profile and advisory services on energy efficiecny and energy auditing;
3) Technical area and expertise in developing and delivery capacity building program, energy auditing, energy management, energy use analysis, economic analysis, among others;
4) Demonstrated experience in providing consulting services to Electricity Utilities or Public;
5) Regional experience working in Egypt, Middle-East and North Africa;
6) Working experience in developing cooperations projects.
The Client will also take into account for the evaluation of the applications the following items:
1) Technical skills and availability of the in-house experts;
2) Availability of local representation and partners;
3) Quality assurance procedures and certifications of the Applicant such as ISO 90001.
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Abdelwahab Qamar
Project Coordinator
Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy
International Cooperation & Agreements Department, The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Complex building, third floor
Ramsis St. Extension, Abbassia
Cairo, Nasr City 11517
Telephone:   + 202 2263 98 14
Fax:   + 202 22 61 65 23
E-mail:   intcoop_intcoop@yahoo.com
Web site::   http://www.moee.gov.eg



Documents attachés

  • Solicitation: REOI: Design and Implementation of Capacity Building Program on Energy Efficiency and Energy Audits (207 KB; Apr 24, 2022)
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Original Text


The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (“MoERE”) of the Arab Republic of Egypt has received a financing from the Agence Française de Développement (“AFD”) and intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments under the following project: Design and Implementation of Capacity Building Program on Energy Efficiency (EE) and Energy Audits.
In October 2016, the Government of Egypt (“GoE”) has adopted the Integrated Sustainable Energy Strategy (ISES) 2035 to modernise the energy sector and increase the renewable energy (“RE”) penetration in the energy mix. This strategy has set the RE targets of 20% of the electricity mix by 2022 and 42% by 2035.
Within this context, the AFD has agreed to allocate a Grant in a maximum aggregate amount of one million five hundred thousand Euros (EUR 1,500,000) to support the MoERE, the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (“EEHC”), and the Egyptian Electricity Transmission company (“EETC”) in achieving the objectives of the ISES 2035 and developing of the Egyptian Energy Sector. Accordingly, the grant has specified three major targets, (i) enhancing the governance of the energy sector, (ii) optimising the energy use, and (iii) improving energy supply. This Grant is managed and supervised by a project management team within MoERE for the benefit of EEHC and EEHC and the relevant affiliated companies.
EEHC is an Egyptian joint-stock company serving over 37.9 million customers via six generation and 9 distribution companies distributed across Egypt. In addition, the transmission system operator, EETC, is also among the affiliated company of EEHC. In line with the ISES 2035, EEHC and its subsidiaries play an important role towards the achievement a high quality of service, optimising energy supply and use. Accordingly, an Energy Efficiency Unit (EEU) has been established under the MoERE to set the policies and develop national plans and programs for energy efficiency in Egypt. Sectorial Energy Efficiency Units, under EEU, have also been established in EEHC and in each of its affiliated distribution company (DisCo) to implement an Energy Efficiency Program, as part of the Energy Efficiency National Plan I.
As part of the EEU business plan, a draft of the Second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP II of the Electricity Sector (2018/2019 - 2021/2022) in collaboration with internal and external authorities has been prepared. NEEAP II includes several programs and policies as follows:
• Establishing an Energy Efficiency Fund under the MoERE. This fund will be financed via a tariff surcharge of 0.1 PT/kWh in addition to the national and internal donors’ grant;
• Expansion of the energy saving lamps distribution program to cover a wider consumers’ spectrum;
• Developing a pilot project for replacement of white goods (e.g., fridges) of low efficiency with a higher efficiency devices;
• Improving energy efficiency of the electric motors-based systems (e.g., compressed air systems, fluid pumps, cooling fans);
• Improvement of energy efficiency in electrical systems, including reduction of power distribution networks losses, electricity measurements, improvement of power factor, reduction of harmonics, high efficiency transformers, high efficiency lighting, control systems, control of industrial systems and processes, combustion systems with boilers, ovens, air conditioning, among others.
The Services of the Consultant shall consist of but not limited of the following:
• Review of existing practicies of Energy Efficiency Unit, in addition to the previous and running studies and capacity building programs conducted for the unit;
• Design and implement an intensive capacity building training program to selected members of EEUE, EEHC and its affiated DisCo’s. The training should cover:
o Introduction to the energy efficiency policy framework and NEEAP II, design and implementation metholdogies of energy efficiency programs, energy efficiency projects business models identification, building codes, among other topics;
o Case studies on improving the energy efficiency in both the industrial and govermental sectors;
o Energy auditors certification frameworks including necessary topics to be covered for certification and qualifications of energy auditors.
• Develop a Train the Trainer program for a selected number of participants. This program is meant to enable those participants to train others within the sector on the best practices of energy auditing, energy audit strategy and plan, energy use analysis, among others;
• Perform a pre- and post- training assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.
The MoERE of the Arab Republic of Egypt hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above.

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