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Call for expression of interest for the recruitment of a consultancy firm for the design services of karongi and kitabi iprcs (EXPIRED)

Request For Expressions of Interest

General Information

Country:   Rwanda
City/Locality:   Kitabi and Karongi
Notice/Contract Number:   000001/C/ICB/2022/2023/RP
Publication Date:   Feb 21, 2023
Deadline (local time):   March 13, 2023 - 09:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   RWANDA - Rwanda Polytechnic (RP)
Eligibility of Bidders:   3.1. Certificate of domestic company registration or Certificate of Incorporation (for Foreign Firms) indicating similar activities
3.2 Applicant / JV company profile:
The capacity of the applicants will be analyzed according to:
- Experience and financial capacity: number of years of experience in the field of activity in relation to the services expected, financial capacity adapted to the scale of the services expected;
- The quality and adequacy of the expertise envisaged: nature of the expertise, local partnership arrangements in the case of an international application, joint experience in the case of a JV.
In the case of a JV, the similarity of the applicants’ capacity will be assessed globally at the JV level.
This tender is addressed to Category A companies : consultancy services related to buildings. A non-categorised foreign company is allowed to bid for tenders only once through e-procurement system. However, before signing the contract, it must provide proof of application’s request for categorisation to the Rwanda Public Procurement Authority.

Key expertise for the project
The following expertise are expected for the project:
- Architecture (presence of an architect in the team is mandatory);
- Structural engineering (with skills in Seismic design);
- MEP engineering;
- Civil engineering;
- Landscape;
- Geotechnician.
The completeness of key expertise will be evaluate based on the applicant and joint venture members company profile and past experience. CVs are not required at this stage.
Additional expertise
The following additional expertise will be required in the Request For Proposal (RFP) but won’t be evaluated at the stage of (EOI)
- Quantity surveyor;
- Environmental and social safeguard;
- IT engineering
- Kitchen planner (evaluate on experience only);
- Furniture designer (evaluate on experience only) .
The international design firms will have to prove their capacity to mobilize local expertise and/or to associate with local partners to design a project adapted to the local context (construction techniques, materials, climate, culturally appropriate etc) and to obtain all the necessary authorizations (Construction permit, EIA).
It will be considered an asset if the team leader of the joint venture support the architectural expertise.

3.3 Experience: The quality and relevance of the experience submitted in support of the application will be evaluate in regard to their similarity to the services to be provided :
- Scope of work :
o Design related to construction of buildings;
o Design related to construction of educationnal facilities;
- Budget for work to be executed (around 8 million €);
- Geographical context: construction in subsaharian african countries, experience in Rwanda will be considered an asset;
- The nature of the Services :
o architectural services: full design of buildings and landscape including schematic design, design developpment and construction document, specifications, BOQ, etc…
o engineering: technical design of buildings: civil engineering, MEP, structural engineering, geotechnical.
o Experience in furniture and sport equipment will be considered an asset.
- Bioclimatic & sustainable design in tropical climate, use of biosourced material in the design;

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance the Public Procurement Law in force. Rwanda Polytechnic is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses their interest.
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Jean Paul Ndayizeye
Procurement Specialist
Kigali Rwanda
Telephone:   +250786349670
E-mail:   njpjayp@gmail.com
Web site::   https://www.rp.ac.rw/



Documents attachés

  • Solicitation: REOI (3 MB; Feb 21, 2023)
     Download documents

Original Text

1. Introduction
Rwanda Polytechnic (hereinafter called “client”) has received funds from the French Development Agency (AFD) for the rehabilitation and expansion of Karongi and Kitabi IPRCs. Rwanda Polytechnic intends to apply part of the proceeds for the recruitment of the consultancy firm to conduct design services for Karongi and Kitabi IPRCs.
Rwanda Polytechnic now invites consulting firms to express their interest in providing the above mentioned services. Interested eligible firms must provide appropriate experience of conducting similar projects. Consultants may constitute joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.
2. Scope of the assignment
This REOI is adressed to national and international architectural, building and civil engineering firms to conduct design services for two (2) IPRCs, mean IPRC Karongi and IPRC Kitabi.
A brief description of campuses and the works to be carried out is attached in appendix 1.

The tender includes 2 lots :
1. Lot 1 IPRC Karongi
2. Lot 2 IPRC Kitabi

Applicants may apply for one (1) or two (2) lots.
The consultant services includes :
1. Architectural and engineering design services for the rehabilitation and extensions of both IPRCs based on the detailed project briefs developped during the feasibility study (Documents will be sent to the shortlisted candidates). Including obtaining the building construction permit.
2. The definition of integrated and non-integrated furniture (desks, tables, chairs, beds, etc.), sport equipment. The specifications for pedagogical equipment specific for the trades are not part of the scope of work and will be provided by the Client at a later stage to be integrated in the design propositions.
3. Geotechnical survey and reports necessary for the project.

The shortlisted applicants will receive with the Request For Proposals (RFP) and Terms of Reference (ToR):
• Detailed architectural and technical project briefs for both campuses.
• Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
• Topographic surveys and as-built plans of existing buildings.

3. Selection criteria
3.1. Certificate of domestic company registration or Certificate of Incorporation (for Foreign Firms) indicating similar activities
3.2 Applicant / JV company profile:
The capacity of the applicants will be analyzed according to:
- Experience and financial capacity: number of years of experience in the field of activity in relation to the services expected, financial capacity adapted to the scale of the services expected;
- The quality and adequacy of the expertise envisaged: nature of the expertise, local partnership arrangements in the case of an international application, joint experience in the case of a JV.
In the case of a JV, the similarity of the applicants’ capacity will be assessed globally at the JV level.
This tender is addressed to Category A companies : consultancy services related to buildings. A non-categorised foreign company is allowed to bid for tenders only once through e-procurement system. However, before signing the contract, it must provide proof of application’s request for categorisation to the Rwanda Public Procurement Authority.

Key expertise for the project
The following expertise are expected for the project:
- Architecture (presence of an architect in the team is mandatory);
- Structural engineering (with skills in Seismic design);
- MEP engineering;
- Civil engineering;
- Landscape;
- Geotechnician.
The completeness of key expertise will be evaluate based on the applicant and joint venture members company profile and past experience. CVs are not required at this stage.
Additional expertise
The following additional expertise will be required in the Request For Proposal (RFP) but won’t be evaluated at the stage of (EOI)
- Quantity surveyor;
- Environmental and social safeguard;
- IT engineering
- Kitchen planner (evaluate on experience only);
- Furniture designer (evaluate on experience only) .
The international design firms will have to prove their capacity to mobilize local expertise and/or to associate with local partners to design a project adapted to the local context (construction techniques, materials, climate, culturally appropriate etc) and to obtain all the necessary authorizations (Construction permit, EIA).
It will be considered an asset if the team leader of the joint venture support the architectural expertise.

3.3 Experience: The quality and relevance of the experience submitted in support of the application will be evaluate in regard to their similarity to the services to be provided :
- Scope of work :
o Design related to construction of buildings;
o Design related to construction of educationnal facilities;
- Budget for work to be executed (around 8 million €);
- Geographical context: construction in subsaharian african countries, experience in Rwanda will be considered an asset;
- The nature of the Services :
o architectural services: full design of buildings and landscape including schematic design, design developpment and construction document, specifications, BOQ, etc…
o engineering: technical design of buildings: civil engineering, MEP, structural engineering, geotechnical.
o Experience in furniture and sport equipment will be considered an asset.
- Bioclimatic & sustainable design in tropical climate, use of biosourced material in the design;

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance the Public Procurement Law in force. Rwanda Polytechnic is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses their interest.

The Applicant shall submit only one application, either in its own name or as a member of a Joint Venture (JV). If an Applicant (including any JV member) submits or participates in more than one application, those applications shall be all rejected. However, the same Subconsultant may participate in several applications.

The following documents should be submitted as attachments on e-procurement platform.
1. If the Applicant is a JV, the expression of interest shall include:
 a copy of the JV Agreement entered into by all members,
 a letter of intent to execute a JV Agreement, signed by all members together with a copy of the Agreement proposal,
In the absence of this document, the other members will be considered as Subconsultants.
Experiences and qualifications of Subconsultants are not taken into account in the evaluation of the applications.

Interested Applicants must provide information demonstrating that they are qualified and experienced to perform the expected services. In this regard, they must provide the following documents :
2. For the applicant alone or for the whole JV:
A letter of application of maximum (3) A4 pages identifying the applicant or the members of the JV. The letter will include a synthetic presentation of the team emphasizing on :
- the adequacy of the team of JV members with the expected services
- the expertise carried out by each JV member
- the geographical location of each member
- the common experiences of the JV, if any
The letter will identify the lot(s) to which the applicant wishes to apply.
2. For the applicant alone or for each member of the JV if applicable:
- A presentation of each applicant firm (legal status, presentation of the staff, turnover over the last 3 years, expertise, similar experiences, etc.) containing all the information allowing to appreciate that its capacities and experiences are in adequacy with the expected services. For the architect, the document will include registration with the Institute of Architects of the country of origin, or any other compulsory provision for practicing the profession of architect in the country of origin if applicable. The other members of the JV shall provide a certificate of domestic company registration or Certificate of Incorporation (for Foreign Firms)
Documents containing too many experiences and information unrelated to the services to be provided should be avoided.
- The Statement of Integrity, Eligibility, and Environmental and Social Responsibility, completed and signed, without modification of the text (see Appendix 3).
3. For the applicant alone or the member of the JV including:
- A document presenting relevant built experiences, delivered within the last seven (7) years, similar to the project. A template is provided in Appendix 2 and a summary table in Appendix 4.
Rwanda Polytechnic will shortlist a maximum of six (06) applicants, selected based on the evaluation of applications received. The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be sent to the short-listed applicants.
Further clarification, if any, may be requested through e-procurement system (www.umucyo.gov.rw)
Interested applicants may obtain further information on e-procurement system:
- Appendix 1: Description of IPRC Kitabi and Karongi
- Appendix 2: Experience presentation template
- Appendix 3: Statement of integrity
- Appendix 4: Summary table of experiences

Expressions of interest, written in English, must be submitted through e-procurement system (www.umucyo.gov.rw) not later than : refer to Umucyo e-procurement system.

Applicants are reminded that the application process will be done electronically through the e-procurement platform https://www.umucyo.gov.rw/ . Applicant need to apply in advance for digital certificate on https://www.govca.rw/apply/searchIndvdlProductList.sg to submit their application.

Dr.Aimable Nsabimana
Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Administration and Finance

More information: Click here
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