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Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Works - (Design-Build-Operate)


General Information

Country:   Jordan
City/Locality:   Madaba, Jordan
Notice/Contract Number:   WAJ/26/2024
Publication Date:   Sep 15, 2024
Deadline (local time):   October 14, 2024 - 05:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   JORDAN - Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ)
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Rua Al-Soub
Director of Tenders and Procurement directorate
Water Authority of Jordan
Water Authority of Jodrdan -Shemisani PO Box 5012
Amman, Jordan 00962
Telephone:   + 962 6 5669965
Fax:   + 962 6 5652278
E-mail:   rua_alsoub@mwi.gov.jo
Web site::   http://www.waj.gov.jo/sites/en-us/Lists/Tenders/AllItems.aspx

Goods, Works and Services


Documents attachés

  • (175 KB; Sep 15, 2024)
  • Solicitation (804 KB; Aug 19, 2024)
     Download documents

Original Text

The Water Authority of Jordan has applied for funds from Agence Française de Développement ("AFD") and the European Union (“EU”) towards the cost of the Madaba wastewater Project, and it intends to apply part of the funds to payments under the contract for the “Design-Build-Operate (DBO) of the Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Expansion”- Contract No. 26/2024.
The Employer intends to prequalify firms for the DBO of the Madaba WWTP Expansion. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in the 3rd quarter of 2024. The contract is expected to be implemented from 2025 to 2027 for the design-build period and from 2027 to 2029 for a three-year operation service period, including an option to extend it for an additional seven years. This option, if triggered by the Employer, would not be financed under the AFD/EU financing.
The project scope is for the expansion of the existing Madaba WWTP, located in the Madaba Governorate. The existing WWTP will remain in operation while the expansion is under construction before being decommissioned. The capacity of the expansion is 16,000 m3/day (average annual day).
The project scope includes the design, supply, delivery, construction, commissioning and operation of the wastewater treatment plant at the location of the existing Madaba WWTP site as well as the decommissioning of parts of the existing plant, with specific components consisting of:
1. Head works with flow metering, screens, grit and grease removal, and influent combined sewage management system
2. Trucked septage unloading station
3. Primary clarifiers
4. Biological nutrient removal activated sludge tanks
5. Secondary clarification
6. Waste Activated Sludge and Return Activated Sludge (WAS/RAS) conveyance systems
7. Effluent disinfection
8. Primary and WAS Sludge thickening systems
9. Anaerobic sludge digestion with an option to add a combined heat and power (CHP) system in the future.
10. Sludge mechanical dewatering
11. Sludge drying beds
12. Odor control
13. Yard piping
14. Site works including all utilities
15. Pumping station for local irrigation
16. Power supply and distribution system
17. Administration, maintenance, blowers, dewatering, sludge pumping, and chlorination buildings
18. Electrical, Instrument and control systems
19. Decommissioning of parts of the existing WWTP
20. The contract will also include a 3 years, extendable to 10, Operation Service Period (O&M) component.
Interested eligible Applicants can download the prequalification document from WAJ website www.waj.gov.jo.
Prequalification will be conducted through prequalification procedures according to the AFD Procurement Guidelines. Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.
This prequalification is open to all eligible applicants as per above mentioned Procurement Guidelines, in accordance with Jordan Government Procurement By-Law n°8 – Year 2022, to which applicants should refer.
Applications for the prequalification must be submitted no later than 23/9/2024, 12:00PM, Jordan Time. Applicant’s questions and request for clarification last date is 4/9/2024, 12:00PM
Applicants have to submit their applications as a hard copy. The application submission must be made in accordance with the rules and procedures below. Applications failing to follow the submission rules and procedures below shall be rejected.
In case of differences between the PDF format and the other document format, the PDF document shall take precedence in the evaluation process.
Hard Copy Submission:
The hard copy should be submitted:
- In sealed envelopes, in accordance with Instructions to Applicants (ITA) n° 15.1 and ITA n°16.1 delivered to the address below, and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for the Madaba Wastewater Project – Design Build and Operation (DBO) of the Madaba Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion- Contract No. 26/2024”
Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) Chairman of the Main Tender Committee HE Secretary General of WAJ P.O. Box 2412, Amman 11183 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Attention: Eng. Rua Alsoub
- with a soft copy on a CD which contains editable documents/files using MS Word or Excel files, all perfectly organized, with clear page numbering and titles of each section of the application.
- In case of differences between the editable documents on the CD and the hard copy, the hard copy shall take precedent in the evaluation process.

More information: Click here
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