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Consulting Services for Technical Assistance to Support the Implementation of the Philippines’ Nationally Determined Contribution Gender Action Plan (NDCGAP)

Request For Expressions of Interest

General Information

Country:   Philippines
City/Locality:   Manila/Philippines
Notice/Contract Number:   CCC-AFD 2024-001
Publication Date:   Sep 20, 2024
Deadline (local time):   October 4, 2024 - 17:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   PHILIPPINES - Climate Change Commission
Eligibility of Bidders:   Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
− The contract size;
− The nature of the Services (reports, technical studies, and other relevant outputs to the
implementation of NDCGAP);
− The technical area and academic expertise (expertise in gender and excellent knowledge of
climate change-related issues of the Philippines; experience in institutional support for
government actors);
− The location: Philippines.
The Client will also take into account for the evaluation of the applications the following items:
− At least 10 years of proven experience (including 5 years experience in the Philippines at least)
in gender and climate change;
− Proven track record in managing development projects, sound knowledge of donors' strategies
on gender equality in the Philippines, and proven experience in working with government
agencies and providing technical assistance;
− Sectoral knowledge of the NDC;
− Proven experience in organizing and facilitating multi-stakeholder consultation and workshops;
− Excellent communication, organizational, analytical skills and capacities in report writing.
− Languages: English and Filipino.
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Sarah Jane Lee
Climate Change Commission
6th Floor First Residences Bldg. JP Laurel St. Malacañang Comp. San Miguel
Manila, Metro Manila/NCR 1005
Telephone:   +63283538494
E-mail:   bac@climate.gov.ph
Web site::   http://www.climate.gov.ph



Documents attachés

  • Solicitation: REOI_NDCGAP (304 KB; Sep 20, 2024)
     Download documents

Original Text

Expressions of Interest
The Climate Change Commission (CCC) has received commitment of funding support from Agence
Française de Développement ("AFD"), and intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments of the
activities and deliverables for the Technical Assistance to Support the Implementation of the
Philippines’ Nationally Determined Contribution Gender Action Plan (NDCGAP).
The Services of the consultant shall consist of defining and implementing a Technical Assistance
Programme (TAP) to support the implementation of the NDCGAP. As specified in the policy design and
monitoring framework of the Climate Change Action Program (CCAP), the TAP will support the CCC
and the other implementing agencies (NDC lead sectoral agencies in the CCAM sectors such as
DENR, DA, DOTr and DOE) in the implementation of the NDCGAP.
In particular, the TAP is expected to:
1. Ensure the endorsement of the NDCGAP by all implementing agencies and its
2. Support the roll-out of the NDCGAP ensuring delivery of the priority strategic gender actions
and targets;
● Establishment of dedicated project management unit to implement the NDCGAP;
● Consultations with NDC Technical Working Group (TWG) Agencies and their
respective Gender and Development Focal Point System (GFPS) to strengthen
enabling mechanisms towards mainstreaming gender and climate change in policies
and measures (PAMs) within the climate change lead agencies;
● Development of the Terms of Reference for the establishment of the Gender and
Climate Change Advisory Group of the GFPS officers and members of the NDC TWG;
● Finalization and approval of the customized and evidence-based Harmonized Gender
and Development Guidelines (HGDG) Checklist for the climate change sector;
● Development of policy guides for gender mainstreaming in the NDC Implementation;
● Development of various knowledge management products on the NDCGAP;
● Development of measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) system to track
progress on the implementation of the NDCGAP;
● Development of a tool to track the gender component in climate change expenditure
3. Provide capacity-building to all actors involved in the NDCGAP implementation (e.g. CCC,
NDC TWG, CCAM sectors, Gender Focal Points);
4. Finalize the indicators, baselines, targets, timeline and measures that will guide the progress
in mainstreaming gender in the NDC, in coordination with the NDC TWG, and develop
information and knowledge system for the NDC TWG;
5. Provide timely and regular reporting progress of the NDCGAP to CCC and NDC TWG,
AFD/ADB and other relevant stakeholders;
6. Provide advice as needed for the mainstreaming of gender in the next NDC iterations.
The contract is expected to be implemented over an 18-month period.
The CCC hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above.
This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to:
❑ Consultants
Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for
AFD-Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.
Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to
perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall
be submitted.
Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
− The contract size;
− The nature of the Services (reports, technical studies, and other relevant outputs to the
implementation of NDCGAP);
− The technical area and academic expertise (expertise in gender and excellent knowledge of
climate change-related issues of the Philippines; experience in institutional support for
government actors);
− The location: Philippines.
The Client will also take into account for the evaluation of the applications the following items:
− At least 10 years of proven experience (including 5 years experience in the Philippines at least)
in gender and climate change;
− Proven track record in managing development projects, sound knowledge of donors' strategies
on gender equality in the Philippines, and proven experience in working with government
agencies and providing technical assistance;
− Sectoral knowledge of the NDC;
− Proven experience in organizing and facilitating multi-stakeholder consultation and workshops;
− Excellent communication, organizational, analytical skills and capacities in report writing.
− Languages: English and Filipino.
An application that does not meet any of these requirements will be rejected.
Among the submitted applications, CCC will shortlist a maximum of six (6) Applicants, to whom the
Request for Proposals to carry out the Services shall be sent.
The Expressions of Interest must be submitted to the address below no later than 04 October 2024
before close of business at 5:00 PM, Manila time.
6/F First Residences, JP Laurel St.
Malacanang Compound, San Miguel, Manila
Philippines 1005
info@climate.gov.ph / bac@climate.gov.ph
Appendix to The Request for Expressions of Interest: Statement of Integrity,
Eligibility and Environmental and Social Responsibility
(To be submitted with the application, signed and unaltered)
Reference name of the Bid/Proposal/Contract signed
(the “Contract”)
To: (the “Contracting Authority”)
1. We recognize and accept that Agence Française de Développement (“AFD”) only finances the
projects of the Contracting Authority subject to its own conditions, as set out in the Financing
Agreement that directly or indirectly binds it to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting
Authority retains exclusive responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the
procurement process and performance of the Contract. Consequently, no legal exists between
AFD and our company, our joint venture, and our subcontractors. The Contracting Authority may
also mean the Client, Employer or Purchaser, as the case may be, for the procurement of works,
goods, plants, equipment, consulting services, or non-consulting services.
2. We hereby certify that neither we, nor any person acting on our behalf,
2 nor any of the members
of our joint venture, nor any of our subcontractors, are in any of the following situations:
2.1 Being bankrupt, wound up or ceasing our activities, having our activities administered by the
courts, having entered into receivership, or being in any analogous situation arising from any
similar procedure;
2.2 Having been, within the past five years, subject to a final administrative sanction, a final
conviction issued by a competent authority, or any other non-court resolution
3 having notably
an extinctive effect on public action, either (i) in the country where we are constituted, (ii) in
the country of performance of the Contract, (iii) in the context of the procurement or
performance of an AFD-financed Contract, (iv) pronounced by a European Union institution,
or (v) pronounced by a competent authority in France, for:
a) Prohibited Practices, as defined in Article 6.1 below, or for any other offence committed
in the context of the procurement or performance of a Contract (in the event of such
sanction, conviction or non-court resolution, we may attach additional information to this
Statement of Integrity, such as a compliance program, showing that we (or the person
acting on our behalf, the member of our joint venture, or our subcontractor) consider
that this sanction, judgement or non-court resolution is not relevant in the context of the
Contract, where applicable);
b) Participation in a criminal organization, terrorist offences or offences related to terrorist
activities, child labor, or other offences related to human trafficking;
c) Having created an entity in a different jurisdiction (i) with the the intention of avoiding tax
or social obligations, or any other legal obligation applicable in the jurisdiction of its
registered office, central administration or principal place of business, or (ii) for being an
entity created with the intention of avoiding such obligations;
2.3 Having been subject within the past five years to a Contract termination fully settled against
us for significant or persistent breach of our contractual obligations during the performance
of the Contract, unless this termination was challenged and dispute resolution is still pending
or has not confirmed a full settlement against us;
2.4 Having been declared ineligible by one of the multilateral development banks signatories to
the Mutual Recognition Agreement of 9 April 2010
(in the event of such ineligibility, we may
4 World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, and European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development.
Including the Judicial Public Interest Agreement (CJIP), a decision following an Appearance on Prior Recognition of Guilt
(CPRC), a negotiated resolution agreement, or any other similar form of transaction terminating criminal proceedings.
2 Directors, (including any person who is a member of the administrative management or supervisory body, or with powers of
representation, decision or control), employees, or agents (be them declared or not).
In the case of a Contract already signed to be refinanced.
attach additional information to this Statement of Integrity showing that we consider that such
ineligibility is not relevant in the context of the Contract, where applicable);
2.5 Not having fulfilled our fiscal obligations relating to the payments of our taxes or social
contributions in accordance with the legal provisions of our country of incorporation or of the
country of the Contracting Authority;
2.6 Having created falsified documents or committed misrepresentation when providing the
information requested by the Contracting Authority in the context of the procurement and
award process for this Contract.
3. We hereby certify that neither we, nor any party acting on our behalf
, nor any members of our
joint venture, nor any of our subcontractors, nor any of our direct or indirect shareholders, nor any
of our subsidiaries acting with our knowledge or consent:
a. Are directly or indirectly subject to, controlled by a person or an entity subject to, or
acting in the name or on behalf of a person or entity subject to individual sanctions
measures adopted by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France;
b. Are directly or indirectly subject to, controlled by a person or an entity subject to, or
acting in the name or on behalf of a person or entity subject to sectoral sanctions
measures adopted by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France;
c. Are ineligible for the implementation of the Project owing to any other international
sanctions measures pronounced by the United Nations, the European Union or
4. We hereby certify that neither we, nor any party acting on our behalf,
2 nor any of the members of
our joint venture, nor any of our subcontractors, are [nor have been (in the case of refinancing for
a Contract already awarded)] in any of the following situations of conflict of interest:
4.1 Being a shareholder controlling the Contracting Authority or a subsidiary controlled by the
Contracting Authority, unless the resulting conflict of interest has been brought to the
attention of AFD and resolved to its satisfaction.
4.2 Having business or family relations with a member of the Contracting Authority’s services
involved in the procurement process or the supervision of the resulting Contract, unless the
resulting conflict of interest has been brought to the attention of AFD and resolved to its
4.3 Controlling or being controlled by another applicant, bidder or consultant, or being under
common with another applicant, bidder or consultant, receiving subsidies from another
applicant, bidder or consultant, or granting subsidies to another applicant, bidder or
consultant, directly or indirectly, having the same legal representative as another applicant,
bidder or consultant, maintaining direct or indirect contacts with another applicant, bidder or
consultant allowing us to (i) have given and/or give access to information contained in our
respective applications, bids or proposals likely to distort competition (ii) influence them, or
(iii) influence the decisions of the Contracting Authority;
4.4 Being engaged for a consulting services mission which, by its nature, is or may be in conflict
with the mission envisaged for the Contracting Authority;
4.5 Having prepared ourselves, being or having been associated with a natural or legal person
who has prepared, specifications, terms of reference or other documents that have been
used for the procurement process in question, and that contain provisions likely to favor an
application, bid or proposal;
4.6 Having or having had access to, having prepared ourselves, being or having been
associated with a natural or legal person who has or has had access to or prepared,
specifications, plans, calculations, studies, or other documents that have not been
communicated to all the applicants, bidders or consultants in the context of the present
procurement procedure, and which thereby confer us an unfair competitive advantage;
4.7 In the case of a procurement procedure for works, plants, equipment or goods, having been
selected ourselves or proposed to be selected (or any of our subsidiary companies having
5 Directors, (including any person who is a member of the administrative management or supervisory body, or with powers of
representation, decision or control), employees or agents (be them declared or not).
been or being proposed to be selected) to carry out supervision or inspection of the services
in the context of this Contract.
5. If we are a state-owned entity or a public enterprise, to participate in a competitive procurement
process, we certify that we have legal and financial autonomy and that we operate under
commercial laws and regulations.
6. In the context of the procurement and performance of the Contract:
6.1 Neither we, nor any party acting on our behalf,
2 nor any members of our joint venture, nor
any of our subcontractors, have committed or shall commit a Prohibited Practice as defined
in the document entitled “AFD Group’s Policy to Prevent and Combat Prohibited Practices”
available on AFD’s Website.
6.2 Neither we, nor or any party acting on our behalf,
2 nor any members of our joint venture, nor
any of our subcontractors, shall acquire or provide [have acquired or provided (in the case of
refinancing for a Contract already awarded)] in sectors subject to an embargo by the United
Nations, the European Union or France.
7. We hereby undertake to, and we undertake to ensure that any party acting on our behalf,
2 any
members of our joint venture, and any of our subcontractors undertake to:
7.1 Comply with the environmental standards recognized by the international community,
including the international conventions for the protection of the environment and, in
particular, take all reasonable steps to avoid or limit negative effects on vegetation,
biodiversity, soils, groundwater and surface water, and on persons and property resulting
from pollution, noise, vibration, traffic and other effects resulting from our activities, in
accordance with the laws and regulations applicable in the country of performance of the
7.2 Implement measures to mitigate environmental and social risks when they are indicated in
the environmental and social management plan provided by the Contracting Authority, and
ensure that the emissions, surface discharge and effluents produced by our activities respect
the limits, specifications or requirements applicable to the Contract.
7.3 Respect the rights of workers related to wages, working hours, rest periods and vacations,
overtime, minimum age, regular payments, compensation and benefits, in accordance with
the standards recognized by the international community, including the fundamental
conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in accordance with the laws and
regulations applicable in the country of performance of the Contract; indicate these elements
in a document annexed to the employment contracts of our employees and made available
to the Contracting Authority; and respect and facilitate the rights of workers to organize
themselves and set up a complaints management mechanism for direct or indirect workers.
7.4 Implement practices for non-discrimination and equal opportunities, and ensure the
prohibition of child labor and forced labor.
7.5 Keep a record for each member of the local staff recording the hours worked by each
person, the type of work, the wages paid and the training undertaken, and ensure that these
records are available at all times to be inspected by the Contracting Authority and the
authorized representatives of the government, in accordance with the laws and regulations
applicable to the protection of personal data in the country of performance of the Contract.
8. We, any party acting on our behalf,
the members of our joint venture, our subcontractors, our
direct or indirect shareholders, and our subsidiaries, authorize AFD to conduct investigations and,
in particular, inspect the documents and accounting records relating to the procurement and
performance of the Contract, including, but not limited to, our internal processes and rules related
to the respect of international sanctions pronounced by the United Nations, the European Union
and/or France, and to have them verified auditors appointed by AFD.
9. We declare that we have paid, or that we shall pay, the commissions, benefits, fees, gratuities or
charges relating to the procurement procedure or the performance of the Contract to the following
third party/parties (for example, an intermediary/agent)(*):
6 For informational purposes, this policy can be accessed via the following link: https://www.afd.fr/en/combating-corruption.
Name of beneficiary Contact details Purpose
Amount (indicate
the currency)
_________________ _________________ _________________ ________________
_________________ _________________ _________________ ________________
_________________ _________________ _________________ ________________
(*): If no amount has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “None”.
10. We undertake to promptly inform the Contracting Authority, which shall inform AFD, of any
change of circumstance regarding the sections above, including in case of any sanctions or
embargo measures adopted by the United Nations, the European Union and/or France, after we
have signed the present Statement.
Name: In the capacity of:
Duly empowered to sign in the name and on behalf of:
In the case of a joint venture, insert the name of the joint venture. The person signing the bid, proposal or application on
behalf of the bidder, consultant or applicant, shall attach a power of attorney from such bidder, consultant or applicant
Please note that this notice is for your information only.
We try our best to have the most accurate and up-to-date information available on our web site, but we cannot guarantee that all of the information provided is error-free.
If you have any suggestions for updates/corrections for this notice, please let us know.