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Request For Expressions of Interest

General Information

Country:   Vietnam
City/Locality:   CaMau
Notice/Contract Number:   No17
Publication Date:   Mar 11, 2025
Deadline (local time):   March 26, 2025 - 09:00
Agency:   Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
Buyer:   VIETNAM - Project Management Unit of ODA and NGO projects of Ca Mau province
Original Language:   English

Contact information

Address:   Van Sol Nguyen
Project Management Unit of ODA and NGO projects of Ca Mau province
No. 01, Ta An Khuong Street, Ward 5
CaMau, CaMau 970000
Telephone:   +84 2906596606
E-mail:   odacm.afd@gmail.com



Original Text


Expressions of Interest

The Ca Mau Province has received a financing from Agence Française de Développement ("AFD"), and intends to use part of the funds thereof for payments under the following project : The project of construction of west sea dike from Cai Doi Vam to Kenh Nam and embankments to prevent coastal erosion at critical sections from Ong Doc estuary to Bay Hap estuary, Ca Mau province.
The Services of the consultant shall consist of technical assistance to the Project Management Unit for efficient implementation and rigorous monitoring of the project while strengthening the PMU and technical agencies’ capacities in the execution of their mandates.
The Consultant’s mission will be organized around three complementary mandates:
1. Support the overall implementation and monitoring of the project (component 4);
2. Support the management and implementation of component 2: Assessment and development of combined solutions grey and green coastal protection infrastructure as well as monitor of its implementation
3. Implementation of component 2 of the project: Develop a strategy and plan for Integrated Implement the component 3: development of integrated coastal zone management strategy and providing support to coastal populations for the mangrove management and the conduct of their economic activities.
The scope of the tasks and results expected by the Consultant responsible for performing a specific service are covering:
Support Ca Mau Province through technical assistance (TA) activities to develop a prevention plan and analyze erosion risks for the entire coastal area from Ong Doc estuary to Bay Hap estuary through the ICZM strategy. To achive this, the TA consultant will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the main 4 major erosion factors: (1) limitation of Mekong sedimentary inputs due to dams construction and development others activities in upstream, (2) sand mining in Mekong Delta, (3) land subsidence due to excess groundwater extraction, (4) sea level rise due to climate change.
The Project will support the Province and local stakeholders in an integrated, informed and planned coastal zone management (ICZM) approach. The perimeter of ICZM will cover a coherent space in terms of interactions of hydro-sedimentary dynamics, over an 80 km linear from Cai Tau estuary (bordered with Kien Giang Province) to Ganh Hao estuary (bordered with Bac Lieu Province).
The following activities, but not limited to, will be carried out: (i) institutional diagnosis, (ii) technical assistance and tools for stakeholders for monitoring the coastline and better management of the coastal zone: consolidate into experience, development of monitoring system and decision support tools, development of strategy and plan of the integrated coastal management, its implementation, monitoring and evaluation, (iii) develop technical design and financial plan and support its implementation for mangrove forest planting protecting coastal lines, research on reduce emission, develop Carbon credits tools & process, (iv) capacity building for PMU’s staff and relevent organization and cary out the communication campaign for all components of the project.
To contribute to the achievement of the project objectives, TA consultant should provide a team of experts, who will be (i) in directlt carry out the activities related to component 3 and (ii) providing support of methodological and technical aspects and knowledges/skills transfer to the PPMU and related technical organizations in the province. The TA consultant is the combination of international and national expertise to fulfill the Service and the consultant team must be based in Ca Mau. The implementation period is expected to extend until the project is completed and shall not be less than 36 months.
The skills required for conducting this study are those of a team of experts in the following fields:
- Integrated coastal zone management/Estuarine and coastal processes
- Institutions
- Environmental and Water resources
- Hydraulic structures, breakwaters, and oceanography
- Sediment transport, erosion
- Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems
- Information technology and databases structure
- Marine biodiversity, marine biology, mangrove forest planting
- Administrative and financial management, project’s indicators monitoring and evaluation
- Communication, environment, society
- Hydrological and hydraulic and sediment transport modeling
- Population livelihoods in coastal/mangrove areas
The Ca Mau Province hereby invites Applicants to show their interest in delivering the Services described above.
This Request for Expressions of Interest is open to:
 Consulting firms q Individual consultants

q NGOs q Joint Venture between NGO(s) and consulting firm(s)
Eligibility criteria to AFD financing are specified in sub-clause 1.3 of the "Procurement Guidelines for AFD Financed Contracts in Foreign Countries", available online on AFD’s website: http://www.afd.fr.
The Applicant shall submit only one application, either in its own name or as a member of a Joint Venture (JV). If an Applicant (including any JV member) submits or participates in more than one application, those applications shall be all rejected. However, the same Subconsultant may participate in several applications.
If the Applicant is a JV, the expression of interest shall include:
- a copy of the JV Agreement entered into by all members,
- a letter of intent to execute a JV Agreement, signed by all members together with a copy of the Agreement proposal,
In the absence of this document, the other members will be considered as Subconsultants.
Experiences and qualifications of Subconsultants are not taken into account in the evaluation of the applications.
Interested Applicants must provide information evidencing that they are qualified and experienced to perform those Services. For that purpose, documented evidence of recent and similar services shall be submitted. This information should be presented in the form of a dossier consisting of:
i. A letter of expression of interest indicating their desire to be pre-selected;
ii. A power of Attorney for signing the Expression of Interest and Statement of Integrity;
iii. A presentation brochure showing the turnover for the last three (3) fiscal years
iv. Their references in services of similar complexity and volume within the limit of 20 most relevant references and less than 10 years.
v. A list of the firm’s permanent staff who can be engaged for the services with a summary of their qualifications and experience;
vi. Any other information to assess the firm’s capabilities;
vii. The duly dated and signed Statement of Integrity (attached to this document or available within the Contracting Directive at www.afd.fr).
The selection criteria for interested consultants will relate, at the call for expressions of interest stage, to the similarity/proximity between the Services and the consultant’s references: scope of the contracts
of the references cited, nature of the services, technical field, geographical context.
Determination of the similarity of the experiences will be based on:
- The contracts size;
- The nature of the Services: Technical assistance and capacity-building on this theme;
- The technical area and expertise: Integrated coastal zone management projects, sedimentation transport and erosion, remote sensing and geographic information systems, breakwater structures, coastal zone ecology, mangrove forest planting, information technology and decision support tools, capacity building, project management support, population livelihoods in coastal and mangrove areas.
- The location: Vietnam, South-East Asia.
The Client, procurement supporting team will also take into account for the evaluation of the applications the following items:
- Eligibility of the Letter of interest document
- Financial capacity to secure the implementation of the work
- Personnel resources suitable for job requirements
- Capability of the consortium in the technical fields mentioned above
- Local representatives/partners and international partners especially with french and european institutions ; from the network of local observatories of the European coastline
Among the submitted applications, Project Management Unit of ODA and NGO projects of Ca Mau province will shortlist a maximum of six (6) applicants, to whom the Request for Proposals to carry out the Services shall be sent.
The Expressions of Interest (01 original + 03 copies in English, 01 copy in Vietnamese is encouraged) must be submitted in hard copy to the address below no later than 4:00 PM Hanoi time on March 26, 2025.
Project Management Unit of ODA and NGO projects of Ca Mau province
Address: No. 01, Ta An Khuong Street, Ward 5, Cà Mau City, Cà Mau Province, Vietnam.
Telephone: + 84 2906596606; +84 2906250369
Email: odacm.afd@gmail.com
Interested Applicants may obtain further information at the address above during office hours: 7h00-11h30 and 13h30-17h00 working day (from Monday to Friday).


Nguyen Van Sol
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