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MULTI - TradeMark Africa

This buyer is a part of Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
TradeMark Africa (TMA), formerly TradeMark East Africa, is an Aid-for-Trade organisation that was established in 2010, with the aim of growing prosperity through increased trade. TMA operates on a not-for-profit basis and is funded by: Belgium, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. TMA works closely with regional intergovernmental organisations, including the African Union (AU), the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat, the East Africa Community (EAC), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA), the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), national Governments, the private sector and civil society organisations.

Procurement notices

1-16 of 16
Notice type Notice Title Published Deadline (local time)
Request For Expressions of Interest Expert en Sauvegardes Environnementales et Sociales Sep 18, 2024  Oct 14, 2024 
Request For Expressions of Interest Consultancy to Support the Ministry of Trade and Tourism to Resolve Non-Tariff Barriers on the Ethiopia - Djibouti Corridor Sep 18, 2024  Oct 8, 2024 
Invitation for Bids Développement de la Compétitivité des Secteurs de la Logistique et du Commerce à Djibouti à Travers le Renforcement du Dialogue Public-Privé Sep 18, 2024  Oct 10, 20241 
Request For Expressions of Interest Étude sur l'Estimation des Coûts Commerciaux le Long du Corridor Djibouti-Addis-Abeba : Mettre l'Accent sur les Performances en Matière de Transport et de Logistique et sur l'Évaluation de l'Impact Socio-Économique Sep 18, 2024  Oct 9, 2024 
Request For Expressions of Interest MISE EN ŒUVRE DES MESURES DE FACILITATION DES ÉCHANGES À DJIBOUTI Apr 1, 2024  Apr 16, 2024 
Invitation for Bids Consultant pour la Gestion de Projets d'Infrastructure à Djibouti, Financés par Trademark Africa - PRQ20230484 Dec 19, 2023  Jan 10, 2024 
Invitation for Bids Consultant pour soutenir la mise en oeuvre du système de commerce numérique financé par TradeMark Africa Dec 19, 2023  Jan 9, 2024 
Request For Expressions of Interest Services de consultance visant à renforcer le développement et les capacités de l’infrastructure nationale de qualité et des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires à Djibouti Nov 2, 2023  Nov 21, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest Expert International en Gestion de Corridor Économique Oct 30, 2023  Nov 7, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest Provision of Consultancy Services of an Individual Procurement Consultant Aug 29, 2023  Sep 20, 2023 
Invitation for Bids Supply, Installation, Training and Commissioning of Petroleum Testing Equipment for the Ethiopian Conformity Assessment Enterprise Aug 29, 2023  Oct 23, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest La Fourniture et l’installation de l’infrastructure RFID et du logiciel pour le système de gestion de flotte DPCR Aug 28, 2023  Sep 12, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest Expert International en Gestion de Corridor Économique Aug 10, 2023  Sep 18, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest Service de consultation pour l’évaluation des besoins, les conceptions détaillées, la préparation des documents d’appel d’offres et la supervision de la construction pour l’amélioration des infrastructures à la frontière de Galafi et PK51 - Djibouti Aug 10, 2023  Sep 11, 2023 
Request For Expressions of Interest Consultancy Services for the Support on implementation of trade facilitation measures in Djibouti - WTO trade facilitation agreement and the African Continental Free Trade Area Sep 26, 2022  Sep 16, 2022 
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